Nant Designs
Sketchbooks in Hills and Dales
Hardback sketchbooks in 'Hills and Dales' paper reinforced with bookcloth spines and corners.
Sketchbooks covered in individual prints
Expanding book with envelope pockets
Lace guest book in black and red
Treelines artists book
Lace guest book in black and red.
Guest books can be made to order
Expanding book with envelope pockets for storing everthing from locks of hair to secrets
Treelines artists book in concertina format

I make books....

Books to collect drawings and sketches
Books for journals
Books for special events- guest books, visitors books and photo albums
Books that expand with concertina spines
Books with content: single images or a collection of images
Books with envelope pockets to contain precious momentos or secrets.
Books from recycled materials
Books in boxes
Books with decorative open spine bindings

and tunnel books
Ringbound zigzap book
Multi section ringbound notebook- lies flat when opened out
Open spine book in yellow fish paper
Decorative stitching on open spine book in yellow fish paper
Please contact me if you would like to commission a special book